A visit to accident and emergency

WARNING: The following article contains violence and may be disturbing. Parental guidance is advised. Please note that this article concerns a “normal” visit to A&E with no connection to my brain tumour. The tumour has not shown any signs of activity and can be considered well under control. I woke up the other day withContinue reading “A visit to accident and emergency”

The Bells

With the approaching coronation of Charles III, there is apparently a need for more bellringers throughout the UK. This was highlighted by Swedish television the other day. https://www.svt.se/kultur/brist-pa-klockringare-infor-kung-charles-kroning When I still lived in Port Sunlight, I learnt a little bellringing myself under the direction of John Hulse and together with some friends from the, nowContinue reading “The Bells”